Monday, November 11, 2013

Carolina Chickadee

The differences between the Black-capped Chickadee of the north and the southern Carolina Chickadee are very subtle.  The Carolina version has a smaller and more sharply defined black bib, a longer tail, and a faster, higher pitched song.  Also, their ranges do not overlap in the the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina where I took these photos.


  1. I love that you captured the Chickadee with a seed in its beak. Same with Saturday's robin with the berry.

    I'm curious - do you consider yourself a bird watcher who picked up a camera, or a photographer who took an interest in birds? Or perhaps neither of these?


  2. Hi Eric! I've been a birder since I was about eight years old and the camera came much later. Thank you for your comments!

  3. What great photos, Gale! I'd love to see a Carolina Chickadee. Was this a life bird for you?

  4. Thank you Sue! Not a lifer, I've spent a fair amount of time in the southeast and they are very common there.


Common Grackle